Model Trains, Buldings and Cars. Cheap!


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Model Trains, Buldings and Cars. Cheap!

Postby Eilif » Mon Sep 30, 2024 1:04 pm

I've got a very big tub of cheap HO scale model trains and some structures to get rid of. It's not a scale that generally melds well with 28 or 10mm. However, if anyone is doing 15 or 20mm gaming or just wants a cheap train for around the Christmas tree let me know. I can probably even provide track and a power supply. This stuff will be crazy cheap and may be the last chance for a while as I'm stepping down from handling surplus sales for my train club.

Also, I've got a whole bunch of architects 1/200 models of surburban homes and multi-unit dwellings. The best of the batch are on ebay here: ... inlawndale
However, I've got a couple dozen (including some massive buildings) that have minor damage and for you all they would be just a small fraction of the price of the ones on Ebay. 1:200 is an in-between scale that works well with 6mm (1/285) or 10mm (N Scale, 1/165).

Lastly, I've got a ton of little metal 1/200 cars. See pic below. There are small ones that would probably work better for 6/8mm and bigger ones that would look good for 8/10mm.
One style per size, but nice smooth non-descript shape that would work well across a variety of eras.
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