Re: New OPR rules released (version 3.3)
Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2024 5:27 pm
Eilif wrote:However, I think we've generally played that a larger vehicle can see over a unit of infantry and can be seen over a unit of infantry. It does appear that Rules As Written (RAW) would prevent this, but I think we've done fine with our own unspoken house rule.
I'm ok with varying sizes of infantry (from Haflings to terminators) blocking line of sight as intervening units. As justifications, infantry can crouch, so a taller unit isn't necessarily taller, the nearest infantry to you is generally going to be the threat to be dealt with first, and one wouldn't want to risk shooting through slightly shorter friendly infantry.
That makes good sense. Digging deeper, I actually found these more detailed LOS rules in the tournament guidelines, and they seem to match up pretty well with what you describe:
I'll be interested to see how this knowledge affects my tactics going forward.
Unrelated, but it seems the new Assault and Shaken rules we were discussing got patched into the "advanced rules":,to%20fight%20on%20whilst%20Shaken.
I went ahead and bought the advanced rules PDF to check it out, and it tuns out there are a bunch of optional special actions in there I didn't know about-- as well as some scenario variations that look pretty cool! Once we finish up the Mordheim campaign, I'd be interested in trying some of those out.