The way morale checks are triggered hasn't changed, but the behavior of a Stunned unit has. Before, the only thing a Stunned unit could do is spend an entire activation to recover. In the new rules, spending an activation to remove the Stunned status is still an option.
But, until you do that, Stunned units:
- Are at -1 to Quality and Defense rolls
- Halve their movement
- Cannot hold objectives
So, a low-quality unit is still in pretty big trouble when Stunned, but higher-quality units might still be able to do something.
Point costs for many units have gone down a little bit (5 points?) as a result, so you might be able to squeeze another unit into your list.
This is the really big one. Lemme just quote it:
When declaring a Charge action, units may choose to assault, allowing them to shoot before moving. When assaulting, units get -1 to hit when shooting and strking, and halve their move.
That "shoot AND move in the same activation" thing will be a really interesting change. Sure, my Robot Legions probably won't take too much advantage of that, what with being Slow, but still.
Also note that it's specifically attached to the Charge action, which means the sequence has to be:
[*] Shoot at the -1 penalty
[*] Move up to half your movement
[*] End in base contact with an enemy unit
[^] Melee at the -1 penalty
If you just want to shoot, and then move, that's not an option. The "Advance" order is still "move first, then shoot."
Blast clarification
This is really just a rules clarification, but I think they've FINALLY got an unambiguous wording of the Blast rule:
Ignores cover, and after resolving other special rules, each hit is multiplied by X, where X is max. as many hits as models in the target unit.
Example: A weapon with 2 Attacks and Blast{3} scores two hits against a unit with two models. Each hit is multiplied by 2, so the target takes a total of 4 hits.
Ultimately, this is a pretty small revision, but since it's one of things that has continued to frustrate me -- I keep thinking I understand the rule, and then I find I don't -- I'm glad to have it cleared up.
(Jon, feel free to cue up an "I told you so," since I'm pretty sure this is the way you've been interpreting the rule.