WWII Skirmish Rules

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WWII Skirmish Rules

Postby Chivenger » Mon Oct 12, 2015 12:59 pm

A friend of mine is looking for some skirmish rules for his collection of Axis and Allies miniatures. The rules of the actual game were a little light to me.

I suggested Flames of War, but that one is more of an in-depth miniatures ruleset. Have any of you had any luck with rulesets somewhere in between the two?

He is an avid minis player who enjoys Robotech, Star Wars X-Wing, Uncharged Seas, and many other games.

Fire away.

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Re: WWII Skirmish Rules

Postby Anton » Mon Oct 12, 2015 1:54 pm

How would a skirmish system work on a A&A map?

Or do you just want to use the Axis and Allies minis on a different board/table?

Flames of war is really pretty simple, but you can always just take fire dice vs. defense dice if you want to make it even quicker/easier.

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Re: WWII Skirmish Rules

Postby timlillig » Mon Oct 12, 2015 3:20 pm

You could try Nuts! from Two Hour Wargames, which is probably very similar to their Chain reaction rules you can get for free.

I have wanted to try I Ain't Been Shot Mum by Too Fat Lardies because it is supposed to have interesting rules. It might use more miniatures than your friend wants. I'm really not familiar with the specifics of the game.

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