Seasonal but cheap source for battlefield smoke and flame

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Seasonal but cheap source for battlefield smoke and flame

Postby MKGipson » Thu Oct 08, 2015 11:01 am

Hi guys!

I recently found at a local (to me) Michaels craft store some cool material for battlefield smoke/flame marking. In the Halloween section are bags of black and orange (separate bags) polyester fibers for decorative "spider webbing". At $3 a bag they are very affordable and one bag is more than a double handful of the material. Just pull off a little black and a little orange, twist together and then you have a flame with black smoke. I have seen additional colors of white and "glow-in-the-dark" yellow-ish.

The packages are called "Halloween Hay". I am attaching a couple of pictures to show what they look like and what the results look like on a couple of minis.

Hope this might help!

Mark Gipson

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Re: Seasonal but cheap source for battlefield smoke and flame

Postby jlopatin » Thu Oct 08, 2015 11:33 am

this is super cool! I'm going to pick some up.

This stuff and a some led tea lights will make quick and dirty fires. I'll try to have some of these ready for the zombie game.
- Josh

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