AAR- Kings of War Campaign Night 3. Big Battle of Baddies.

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AAR- Kings of War Campaign Night 3. Big Battle of Baddies.

Postby Eilif » Tue Feb 14, 2023 8:57 am

The following is an excerpt of a blog article.  Read Full Article

Presenting notes and gallery for the third round of our Kings of War Campaign! This was actually one large game on an 8x4 table. Newcomer to KoW, Mattias joined us, leading a smaller force of "Kingdoms of Man" green-armored human mercenaries who seem to have fallen under the glamour of Michael's Slaanesh. Facing them across the board was a united force of brutality with Karl's Khorne (Varangur) and Jon's Chaos (Abbysal) Dwarves. The Scenario objectives were a combination of destroying enemy units and seizing and holding various Obelisks which the controlling player could also choose to destroy. To spice things up we ...

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